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Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development inspecting the construction of Jinan

Time:2019-11-19 Heat:161 Share to:
       In order to grasp the completion of the tasks of building energy-saving, green building and prefabricated buildings in 2017, find out the shortcomings in the work, summarize and promote the good experiences and practices in various places, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development conducts special inspections on the implementation of building energy-saving, green building and prefabricated buildings. .

       On May 21, Li Zhiwu and his entourage inspection team of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, accompanied by the leaders of the Shandong Provincial Housing and Construction Department and the Jinan Construction Committee, came to Jinan to carry out special inspections of fabricated buildings. From quality control to safe and civilized construction. The installation and construction of Jinan industrial prefabricated exterior walls, prefabricated laminated slabs, prefabricated stairs and other components, the assembly rate reached 60%. Subsequently, the inspection team visited the quality model display area and the slab construction area, and focused on the detailed analysis of the prefabricated exterior wall quality model and the prefabricated external wall on-site assembly process. Finally, the leaders of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development gave a high evaluation of the assembly-type construction of the project department. At the same time, it pointed out the problems in the construction of the project department and put forward suggestions and guidance for the construction of the prefabricated building.
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